Những bức tường sơn có lẽ đã quá đơn điệu và nhàm chán. Tường nhà bạn đã bắt đầu bong tróc và cần phải sửa chữa các bức tường này để làm mới không gian. Đừng cho rằng chỉ có sơn lại mới là cách giải quyết, hãy đổi mới với giấy dán tường đa họa tiết, sắc màu đi nào. Hôm nay MOIVAONHATOI sẽ giới thiệu quy trình và hướng dẫn dán giấy dán tường chuẩn nhé.

Step 1: Clean the surface

wallpaper stickers tutorial

Do not rush to paste new paper on the wall, but deal with the old wall first. Spray a lot of warm water on the wall for about 5-10 minutes. Use a pry to remove any old paint or paper, sand the wall surface with sandpaper and wipe it with a rag.

Step 2: Mix glue


There are 2 types of glue:

Mix milk glue separately: a bag of milk glue (1 kg) can be mixed with 02 liters of water. But the most careful way to mix glue is to pour 01 kg of glue into 01 liter of water and stir well to avoid clumping. Then add another 1 liter of water.

- Mixing powder glue separately: Each bag of glue powder (160 grams) can be mixed with 05 liters of water. But at first, you have to pour 1/3 of the amount of water and stir well with your hands to form a water spiral that prevents clumping. When the glue has dissolved evenly, you just add the amount of water to just the right standard to paste the glue.

– Lưu ý: Nếu sử dụng giấy có keo sẵn thì bạn có thể bỏ qua bước này.

Step 3: Paper handling

wallpaper stickers tutorial

– You need to get the exact measurements of the wall to be able to cut the paper. Please calculate accurately so as not to be missing or redundant.

- Before pasting, you need to align the heart accurately and squarely because if the original paper is deviated, it will bring all other papers that are deviated. And if using patterned paper, make sure that the pattern of the next strips is even.

Step 4: Apply wallpaper

wallpaper stickers

– Use a roller to spread the glue evenly on the back of the paper and pay attention to apply strong glue at the corners and edges of the paper to make sure it will not come off after a while.

– Start pasting, stick slowly, align each corner to smooth the whole strip of paper, do not squeeze too tightly at the beginning so that if you miss it, you can pull it out to re-glue.

wipe air bubbles

– Use wipes and rags to remove all air bubbles, excess glue to avoid blistering, and check and accept the work.

Korean wallpaper
Beautiful wall after being wallpapered

See more: Refresh the apartment with Korean material wallpaper

As can be seen, gluing wallpaper is not a difficult job, but it requires meticulousness and high care. If you are ready to redecorate your home yourself, please read carefully the article that MOIVAONHATOI guides you to apply wallpaper.

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