Times City urban area Park Hill với các căn hộ chung cư được bàn giao ở dạng đã hoàn thiện nội thất cơ bản bao gồm sàn gỗ, trần thạch cao, tủ bếp và tủ quần áo. Tuy nhiên, để về ở ngay thì vẫn chưa đủ trang thiết bị nội thất, như giường, các hệ tủ trang trí, các mảng tường trang trí, bàn ghế… Và để tham khảo các ý tưởng Interior thêm cho các căn hộ như vậy, mời các bạn tham quan thực tế căn hộ Times City apartment Park Hill 5 was designed by the MV company for interior construction with only VND 190 million.

apartment living room Times City Park Hill


Address: Times City Park Hill 5, Times City, 458 Minh Khai, Hanoi

Acreage: 90m2 – căn hộ 3 Bedroom

Construction time: 1.5 months

total cost of construction: 190 million (Before construction: apartments handed over completed, only lack of wooden furniture)

- 2018 -


Face by overall apartment Times City Park Hill 90m2

Interior design căn hộ Times City Park Hill với diện tích 90m2 với 3 phòng ngủ, bố trí các phòng như ảnh mặt bằng trên. Mặt bằng hiện trạng căn hộ đã hợp lý nên chủ nhà quyết định không cải tạo mặt bằng mà chỉ làm thêm nội thất bổ sung. Với nhu cầu trước mắt của gia chủ, họ quyết định hoàn thiện phòng khách, bếp và 2 phòng ngủ, để lại 1 phòng ngủ trống làm kho. Chi phí làm nội thất của gia chủ dự kiến khoảng 200 triệu đồng.


Construction process of kitchen living room:

Handover status of Times City Park Hill apartment

The photo above is the status of the apartment when the handover has wooden floors and kitchen cabinets, but there are still many vacancies. If you take advantage of old furniture brought up may not be suitable, reduce the value of the house, as well as the main accent wall (the back of the sofa, TV array) is not decorated, if kept raw so the apartment has not met the aesthetic requirements. This is also a problem for architects, need reasonable decoration only with a budget of VND 200 million.

Construction process of interior furniture of Times City Park Hill

The apartment was handed over with wooden floors and kitchen cabinets, so in addition to making new furniture, we also had to protect old furniture such as wooden floors and kitchen cabinets. As you can see, the kitchen cabinets are covered with newspaper, the floor is covered with tarpaulin to prevent sand and dirt from scratching the wooden floor.

PHOTO PHOTO INTERIOR DESIGN TIMES CITY Park Hill 5 living room after completion

Living room apartment kitchen Times City Park Hill completed

The interior of Times City Park Hill 5 apartment is designed in a modern style with a bit of classic luxury created by details: glossy acrylic wood furniture, expensive monolithic granite pieces, splints Luxurious gold-plated aluminum, glossy decorative lights.

Greek white stone wall apartment Times City Park Hill

Looking at the living room you can see the back wall of the sofa has a very important role, helping to enhance the beauty of the sofa. Even though the sofa is expensive, its beauty will only be honored when there is a beautiful setting.

The sofa back wall is designed with stone tiles and mirrors. Mirrors to make the feeling space have more depth and width. Mirrors here are also divided into many small cells and beveled edge, bringing a classic stylized direction. Granite creates a luxurious look, this is a whole array of copper stones, ie a monolithic cut 1 stone, Greek White Granite with bright white, sharp stone pattern.

The main view from the door to the living room during construction:

Construction process of Times City Park Hill apartment

Images of construction process apartment interior Times City Park Hill 5

Installation of interior furniture for apartments Times City Park Hill

The house is changed step by step, from rough construction to complete.

And finally the picture of the completed apartment: 

Design of Times City Park Hill apartment altar

The photo above is the main view when entering Times City Park Hill apartment. The altar is viewed by the owner and located in the visible position right when entering the door, so the MV Architects must design so beautiful and in sync with the surrounding furniture. The material chosen here is a marbled fabric paneling made from An Cuong's Melamine-covered MDF wood. The panel is further adorned with gold-rimmed aluminum braces in ancient Asian contours, making it suitable for the altar as well as for the interior of the apartment.

Altar area, construction process to completion: 

Construction of wall panels hit the altar of Times City Park Hill apartment

MDF wood grain covered with MDF fabric, is gradually being completed.

Design and construction of the altar of Times City Park Hill apartment

The interior of Times City Park Hill apartment is designed in a modern style but the altar has a classic Asian style. So the classic details are cleverly included, making the altar seem very suitable when placed here. Details such as: stylized copper gold splint pattern behind the altar, square altar straight, but still have 2 curved edges on both sides ...

Living room status and interior construction of Park Hill Times City apartment: 

Current situation of receiving Times City Park Hill

The status of the living room is not furnished when the apartment is handed over.

Construction process of Times City Park Hill

From the construction images, to completion, is a major change. It is a two-month effort, from the design to the construction of each worker team.

See more: Renovating the interior of apartment buildings in Dang Xa Gia Lam urban area

Living room completed: 

Living room furniture after construction of Times City Park Hill apartment

Interior design of Times City apartment Park Hill is arranged quite fit. If compared to the ground, the area may be a bit limited, but, interior design with smart cabinet arrays, both decorative and functional, makes the apartment still beautiful, not inferior to the radical mini mansion.

For example, this TV array, usually the TV array is just a TV hanging on the wall, or more then the TV shelf below. But here, the top hanging part on the TV is also a system of cabinets, with the wings that can open to store items.

This cabinet design must also meet the aesthetic and neat decoration factors, because it always catches the eyes of people watching TV

Compare 3D and reality to see that the MV is always designed and constructed more accurately and beautifully than 3D.
If you have a need for design and construction of apartments, apartments, villas FAST, QUALITY, Reasonable Cost, contact us: MV Construction Company
Phone: 0908.66.88.10
Website: https://moivaonhatoi.com

See more: Interior design of Park Hill apartment 11, have actual videos after construction.


Structure of TV cabinet Times City Park Hill
Low shelf structure

The animation above illustrates the layout of drawers, the inside of the cabinet, creating a neat and tidy for Times Ciy Park Hill apartment 5

Living room balcony Times City Park Hill apartment

The space in this apartment is everywhere, but we still feel airy. Another large glass door opened to the balcony, making the living room more open.

View from the balcony into the living room, current status and construction:

Basic handover of Times City Park Hill apartment

Pictures of the current status of Times City Park Hill 5 apartment upon delivery.

Construction and installation of apartments in Times City Park Hill apartment

Các công trình của Mời Vào Nhà Tôi đều được chụp ảnh lại sau mỗi ngày thi công, để làm tư liệu kinh nghiệm thi công, cũng như giúp cho việc sửa chữa, bảo hành, được dễ dàng hơn. Và điều đó còn giúp Website Invites To My House always more authentic than other architectural websites.

Furniture of Park Hill Times City apartment building when completed: 

Interior design and construction of Times City Park Hill apartment

The homeowner's fridge is quite big and hard to arrange in this apartment. In essence, the refrigerator of the Times City Park Hill apartment was designed inside the kitchen area, behind the vertical wooden interior partition. But to expand the storage space for the kitchen, a wine cupboard was placed in that position (the location of the old refrigerator behind the wooden spokes). And the new fridge was moved out.

The new refrigerator is tightly cradled by the storage cupboard, making it fit and fit in the middle of the wall, as if it's the space for it. And thanks to this new storage closet, the family's display space has been greatly increased.

Dining room furniture in Times City Park Hill apartment

The space around the dining table is surrounded by: kitchen cabinets, storage cabinets, altars, above the dining table lamp. Many things are placed side by side like that, but the harmonious position, the harmonious style, makes the whole house seem to fit, and not be messy or cramped.

Times City Park Hill fridge dining room

The warehouse cabinet has the mirror surface of Acrylic material, also makes us feel that the cabinet door does not limit the space. Even the light inside the cabinet will make the cabinet brighter, the house will not be closed.

Compare 3D and reality to see that the MV is always designed and constructed more accurately and beautifully than 3D.
If you have a need for design and construction of apartments, apartments, villas FAST, QUALITY, Reasonable Cost, contact us: MV Construction Company
Phone: 0908.66.88.10
Website: https://moivaonhatoi.com


Structure of refrigerator storage cabinets for apartments

This cabinet has a great function of beautifying and tidying the house.


Main bedroom with large windows of Times City Park Hill apartment

Above is the picture of the master bedroom, master bedroom when completed, and you will be surprised to see how the process has been transformed from the status quo.

Entering the bedroom door - current status and construction:

The status of bedroom apartment Times City Park Hill

The status of the bedroom when you receive the house, completely unfurnished, you will be very confused as to where to put the bed, what style? If bringing a bed from an old house, is it suitable?

Interior construction Times City Park Hill

Instead of struggling to invent your own belongings, let the qualified architects help you. Pictured above is the furniture being moved and installed. The furniture in this room is made of An Cuong moisture-resistant green core MDF, white surface covered with Melamine. Mainstream is white to mingle with existing wooden cabinets, and also the color to help the bedroom airy and spacious. 

Photos of TIMES CITY Park Hill 5 apartment interior after DESIGNED CONSTRUCTION completed: 

Interior design bedroom apartment Times City Park Hill

Close to the window is a long bench reading, which helps the room have more sitting space, more flexible in use. Owners may prefer to sit on a bed, or read a book on a bench, sit on a chalkboard chair, depending on demand.

Headboard array for bedroom furniture

The main accent of the room is the headboard. This wall paneling is also designed based on the materials used in the kitchen living room. It is a woven fabric melamine, yellow aluminum bands, and a mirror to create the depth of the room.

The details and materials repeat, making the interior of the room become a unified whole, throughout the Times City Park Hill apartment.

Decorative bedroom headboard

The bed here is also constructed by ton-sur-ton material with the apartment, which is gray gray felt. Similar to the gray of the curtain, and somewhat similar to the color of the reading chair cushion, the bedside array.

Interior design bedroom apartment Times City Park Hill

The interior design of the current Times City Park Hill apartment, each bedroom has only 1 small cabinet with a width of 1m - 1.4m, it seems that there is always a lack of space for clothes and clothes. Therefore, the upper bedroom has been designed with an array of cabinets opposite the bed. This cabinet is designed with a unique shape that cannot be bought ready-made, which is a combination of: wardrobe, chalkboard, cosmetic cabinet...

The material of the cabinet also enhances the aesthetics of the room, which is glossy brown acrylic cabinets.

Next to the parent bedroom, please step into the boy's bedroom, with a completely different material.


Sample desk instant bookshelf

Children will grow better, and be happier living in a brightly colored room. The small owner of this room likes blue, and that color is taken as the main color of the room

Apartment for children

The desk area has a vivid shape, the highlight is the blackboard shape of the house. Hopefully, that will help your child have more fun learning.

The lines in the room are also related and joined together. It is the diagonal of the chalk board, which coincides with the diagonal line separating the two paint colors from the wall.

Bedside cabinets for child bedrooms

The diagonal of that roof was repeated at the headboard and the cupboards.

It can be said that the room was beautifully designed and carefully studied every detail. The architects of MV Company have also completed well from design to construction in accordance with the drawings, to capture realistic images of the interior of Times City Park Hill apartments more beautiful than the 3D perspective.


Structure of a bed with drawers

Under the bed is also designed to add function to map with colorful drawers. Drawers use open pull hooks instead of easy-to-handle grips on small children.

Son bedroom wardrobe from construction to completion:

Instant bed with wardrobe
Structure of instant bed with wardrobe

The wardrobe wing is cut into the headboard. The details of the furniture in the room, or throughout this house, are designed and constructed only on the market. It is difficult for the process of manufacturing and installing furniture, and is also a great achievement for homeowners, when using the unique items and according to their own personality.

The bedroom for children is blue

Baby bedroom is also the last room to close the article. Hope the playful colors of the baby room, or the beautiful pictures of Interior design of Times City apartment Park Hill will gather, and help you have ideas for your new home.


2SLEEP MASTER50 million

Above is a real picture of the interior design process of Times City Park Hill apartment building 5. Along Park Hill urban area, invite you to see another apartment is equally beautiful: Interior design of Park Hill apartment 11, have actual videos after construction.

Compare 3D and reality to see that the MV is always designed and constructed more accurately and beautifully than 3D.
If you have a need for design and construction of apartments, apartments, villas FAST, QUALITY, Reasonable Cost, contact us: MV Construction Company
Phone: 0908.66.88.10
Website: https://moivaonhatoi.com

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