Samples office office products, tools, often seen, but slightly modified in design, materials, creating uniqueness

office equipment

A-desk calendars, calendar content printed on Couche paper material, have cardboard shelves so they can stand up at the desk. The calendar is made of plastic and can be folded and folded. 

office equipment

Note paper clip tool with a very unique design with shiny and soft stainless steel, the cylinder to place the circle, the paper clip to race up softly. Office equipment.

office equipment

Still a note paper box, but with a circular design, made of iron, the square paper holder has a certain depth to fit the height of the paper file, this compact design will help you save a large part. area on the desk. Office equipment

office equipment

The tape holder has a cylindrical design like a slide, with two spreaders to hold the tape. With this design can help you easily remove the tape without worrying about spending time finding its mark. Office equipment.

office equipment

Combination of tape holder and shears in the same device. With this unique wooden case you can easily cut a piece of sticky tape without the aid of scissors, and easily store and store it.

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office equipment

Wooden pen case with semi-cylindrical compartments, suitable and suitable for many types of pens. When you open the box, you feel like a boat in the sea brings inspiration to users.

Tools to tape CD, DVD with the iron rack design is very strong and durable. The meandering section to keep the tape and tape from moving and shoving. The thick glass square section keeps your tape and disc from being scratched during use. 

The mini document holder is made of stainless steel. With a compact 3-storey design, upstairs for large, important documents, lower floors for books and books. With this design, you can easily stay in a room in the office without wasting space. 

Desk clock with a very unique design, a wooden case, a plastic face, a circular watch face in the middle.This design is extremely suitable for small desk spaces, not much space. . 

Wooden book-shaped pylons with wooden pivots. Each floor can hold a lot of extremely handy books.

The design of a shelf can both hold books and store papers and documents. Made of high quality wood, divided into floors makes it easy to divide papers, convenient for finding. 

The device holds a note paper shaped like an exercise machine. The frame is soft, winding. Paper holders like wheels. Compact design makes it easy to place on the desk space.

The disc container is designed with a wooden support, thin iron walls alternating to create space to place the tape. The mesh element prevents the bandage from falling or falling out. Office equipment

Tools for visiting cards with unique wooden designs, quick-release compartments make it easy to take out your business cards. 

Material containers designed single compartment, iron, compact and handy for offices. 

office equipment

Tools for cutting and holding tape with a unique design of iron, the cylinder is placed in a circular shape, the tape is inserted to keep the cylinder horizontal, the blade is for cutting with sharp, sharp teeth. , essential for office.

office equipment

Shelf for documents with the design of color boxes linked together. Office equipment.

office equipment

Document shelves suitable for companies and offices. With multi-layer design of stainless steel frame, rugged, plastic holder. 

The clock is suitable for small desk spaces, or even a nightstand. Office equipment

Office equipment with watch time combined with business card holder compact design extremely convenient. Office equipment

Tools for wooden water filter with a design like a 4-leg tripod, bring certainty, hard to buck. 

Still a tool to filter water but with a higher design, the wooden bars interwoven, creating stability. Because made of wood should bring extremely clean feeling to the office.

Tape cutting tool with compact and convenient design for office.

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Tools for mobile phones for offices with designs shaped like chairs of different colors. 

The watch incorporates a convenient and compact device containing note paper, easily arranged and placed in positions on the desk. 

Document box with 2-layer wooden design, the deep and wide box can hold a variety of papers and documents. Office equipment

Just a watch device but extremely unique and attractive with the stand is a piece of iron puzzle, the clock is a sphere of iron. When you encounter this device, we will be much more inspired to work. Office equipment

Tool to hold the pen but not as usual as usual. Shaped like books planted on top of each other, there are many holes connecting each other to hold a variety of pens.  

Office equipment

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