Many families have at least one piece of classic furniture that has been passed down from generation to generation. From crockery, jewelry boxes or large bulky cabinets. And if you don't know what to do with them, let's try some interesting combinations below.

1. Combine classic decorations with modern furniture

Incorporating classic furniture into modern life

Not available design rules Which interior requires your items to be from the same era. Items from different generations are a unique way to add character to a room. Old wooden tables will still fit a work room modern. Elegance and a rustic look will add great sophistication and elegance to your new space.

2. Don't fret about imperfections

Classic living room design

Thông thường, những món đồ cổ sẽ xuất hiện những dấu vết sờn cũ do thời gian. Nếu là đồ sành sứ sẽ còn bắt gặp những vết xước, nứt vỡ, những chiếc tủ tróc sơn, bạc màu. Tuy nhiên thay vì tìm kiếm sự giúp đỡ hay tìm một biện pháp cải tạo, sửa chữa lại chúng. Bạn hãy để những khuyết điểm này tự nói lên và tạo nét đặc trưng riêng cho ngôi nhà của bạn.

See more: Wabi sabi design style – the beauty of imperfection

3. Renovate the right vintage furniture

Incorporating classic furniture into modern life

If a beautiful piece of furniture tinged with time is no longer suitable for your room. And if you feel it is necessary, you should renovate a wish so that the item can be more suitable and functional. This will help the product increase its durability and harmonize with the overall design of the house.

4. Keep everything in sight

living room design

The golden rule for adding vintage furniture is to keep these precious pieces in sight. The porcelain dishes or glass cups are easy to forget if left at the bottom of the cabinet. Vintage items act as decorations, so place them in an easy-to-see position. This is also a way to attract the attention of visitors when visiting there.

Above MOIVAONHATOI has suggested you some ways to incorporate classic decorations into your modern home. Hope the article will be useful to you.

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