Wedding photography studio is where the important design task is to impress and remember where to take pictures before the big day for couples, the wedding photography studio should refer to the following pictures:

Wedding photo studio design

Dù cho diện tích studio ảnh cưới nhỏ hay lớn, khi bạn đến với là bạn sẽ có được những mẫu interior design showroom wedding dress The office has a sofa to sit together at the table and wedding photo consultation is full of neatly arranged photos on the wall.

Wedding photo studio design
Wedding photo studio design
Wedding photo studio design

Project cabinets and glass shelves for hanging items on the wall to interfere with photo frames to avoid stuffy and squash when there are only photos around

Wooden bookshelves and wooden furniture are placed in the corner of the room, which will be the highlight when entering the room, as well as in other areas, the wall is covered with pictures next to each other.  

Wedding photo studio design

 The door frames and the thick black wooden glass doors accentuate the white room doorway with the sleek wooden floors. Adding highlights on the front is a blackboard introducing the studio

Wedding photo studio design

Stainless steel push tray with three layers of trays, the top tray is covered with a black cowhide layer to collage wedding photos into a neat and beautiful photo frame, the last tray is very suitable for storage. 

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