Bạn đang muốn sửa chữa cải tạo lại căn nhà cũ kĩ của mình ư? Nhưng bạn lại không biết phải bắt đầu từ đâu? cần làm những gì? Vậy hãy để MOIVAONHATOI đưa cho bạn quy trình chuẩn và những lưu ý cần thiết khi sửa chữa upgrade house old offline! Hope these instructions will be practical to you in the process of refurbishing your home


  • Bạn nên hiểu rằng: “tiền nào của nấy”, số tiền mà bạn bỏ ra để sửa chữa nhà cũ sẽ tỉ lệ thuận với chất lượng của ngôi nhà sau cải tạo. Vì thế bạn đừng vì tiếc một khoản tiền mà khiến cho căn nhà của mình sau thi công không đạt được những gì mà bạn mong muốn.
construction of royal city apartment building
  • Before renovating or repairing old houses, you should check the size of the house because the unit price is usually calculated by area. However, the calculation of the house repair area is sometimes not entirely accurate because during the construction process there are many additional costs, so the amount you have to spend may increase compared to the original estimate. Therefore, you should understand the market and understand the materials and techniques that the construction unit uses to be able to calculate the most accurate and accurate quotation!
Royal City apartments after renovation

See more: Quotations design interior construction apartments Just fill in the area, the items to be constructed


  • Of course, everyone wants the old house after renovating and repairing will follow their own wishes. However, you are inherently not experienced in design - construction practice, so if you do everything according to what you think it can lead to mistakes, deflecting your intentions. There have been many cases of homeowners designing and building themselves, making the whole house no uniform, the environmental protection indicators are not properly controlled and the size between drawings and construction is not. same, .. So the advice we give you is to invite the house architect or people with professional advice on how to repair your home. Surely they will give you practical and reasonable advice.
housing construction
  • It is a good idea to believe in the level of architects, but it does not mean that you are not closely, contributing their ideas. To the old house after repair and renovation as you like, then you do not hesitate to express aspirations to the design team when necessary.
renovate houses in the classical style


  • Contracts in any case, and even renovating and repairing old houses are the most important factors. Because this is legally binding between you and the company responsible for design - construction. Therefore, when making a contract you need to carefully consider all terms to ensure fairness and interests between the two sides.
constructing apartment buildings in Vinh Hung
  • Before signing any contract, you must carefully read all information. When you have a problem, you need to ask immediately. Be very mindful of the contract to avoid any later disadvantages that may come to you.
Completed furniture of apartments in Vinh Hung


  • It is best not to choose a small repair company, because they do not have after-sales service so when something happens after the renovation, you will not find them anymore. Issues such as: hollow floors after performing good flooring, walls and doors after painting appear broken, cracked, ... after renovation, they need to seek repair company for reprocessing. Therefore, you should look to the large, reputable companies to ensure they provide essential warranty services.
Renovate Tinh town house
  • Có một lưu ý nhỏ là khi sửa chữa cải tạo nhà cũ, bạn không nên nhờ những người họ hàng thân thích, hay những người mà bạn quen biết. Tìm đến người quen để sửa chữa nhà cho mình là tâm lý chung của mọi người. Tuy nhiên, chưa chắc những người đó đã có chuyên môn cao, vì thế sau khi cải tạo lại nhà cũ rất có thể sẽ phát sinh ra nhiều vấn đề.
Ha Tinh townhouses after renovation

See more: Quotations for construction of townhouses Just fill in the area, the number of floors


  • In the process of renovating and repairing old houses, you need to look for supervisors of a high-quality design and construction company to inspect the building for you. Because they have experience, knowledge, they will know what is wrong where to promptly fix.
construction and repair of villas
  • However, it is not inevitable that the third supervising party will receive the money of the renovation party in order to hide minor errors. Therefore, to avoid this phenomenon, you must definitely include the section on responsibilities and rights of supervisors in the contract.
Villa interior after construction

With the above small note, please keep in mind so that when repairing and renovating the old house, you will not be caught in "traps" and unnecessary mistakes.

If you want to find a home improvement company, please contact:
Hotline: 0908.66.88.10 - 09.0202.5707 
Address: 201 Bà Triệu, Hai Bà Trưng District, Hà Nội

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