50 models of ceiling lights, modern drop lamps for beautiful plaster ceilings, from popular models to the latest models, to help you choose your own design for your home, to help avoid confusion before going to the lamp store

Beautiful sample ceiling light
Beautiful sample ceiling light

Hai hình ảnh đẹp trên là mẫu thiết kế đèn thả trần với kiểu dáng giống nhau, nhưng khác nhau về màu sắc. Một mẫu màu trắng, một mẫu màu đen xen giữa trắng, phù hợp với rất nhiều không gian khác nhau, phù hợp cho cả các ngôi nhà, căn hộ đến coffee shop, shop quần áo, nhà hàng, khách sạn, biệt thự sang trọng. Đặc biệt trong không gian sống của bạn, loại đèn này có thể dùng để trang trí cả phòng khách Bedroom hay đèn thả trần cũng đều đạt hiệu quả khá ấn tượng.

Beautiful sample ceiling light

Drop lamp model Black plaster ceiling, rectangular. Simple structure, easy installation and use are indispensable criteria for this decorative pendant light.

Beautiful sample ceiling light

The design of the large black round pendant light, the light emanating from the messy squares, The ceiling pendant light is much cheaper than other decorative lights on the market, in addition to that. beautiful, this lamp has the ability to save electricity quite well, so it is the most effective and economical decoration solution for everyone.

Beautiful sample ceiling light

A white plastic drop light design, with orange borders, shaped like a flashlight. This decorative drop lamp is not fussy about the space, but instead it gives every space a unique beauty, you have the freedom to design and choose the installation position according to your own desire to create the new space.

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Beautiful sample ceiling light

The ceiling drop is designed from a perpendicular white plastic sheet, inside is a black led downlight, sophisticated and luxurious design style combined with striking tones to bring beautiful light. and very eye-catching.

Beautiful sample ceiling light

Sample drop egg shape, painted black shadow, blue border. This is a new generation decorative light and has been increasingly popular in recent times with the advantages of high aesthetics, which can give your space a style of its own beauty.

Beautiful sample ceiling light

The two beautiful images above are two similar designs of drop ceiling lights. Equipped with a black plastic sheet, but a rectangular pattern, a square pattern like a rug, a pattern with 3 downlight lights, and a pattern fitted with 4 pieces. Also extremely unique and impressive.

So how are these drop-lamp designs applied in practice, let's see through the building images Institute Building 103 Ha Dong of inviting to my house: 

Beautiful sample ceiling light

Picture:          APARTMENT 103 HA DONG

Below is a set of 5 ceiling lamp designs for plaster ceilings:

Design template of 3 ceiling lamps, plasterboard, gypsum, blue. The downlight is often used to light or decorate in households, restaurants, hotels, bars, shops, supermarket, showroom, stage, office, ...

Sample ceiling downlight with 4 lights, reddish brown, square, beautifully coordinated with depth

Design 4 downlight ceiling lights black, red alternating to form a skateboard. 

Model of green downlight, downlight can be easily applied to light in difficult installation areas, or high-rise areas.

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Sample white downlight against a black background. 

Nowadays, downlight models are typically used to install in holes in the ceiling, light beams of downlight are oriented or scattered beautifully, the light from the LEDs emits a soft and can shine down a more spacious way to light an area or as narrow as a spotlight on stage. Above are samples of ceiling downlight type, but below you will be following the images of floating downlight type, combined with ceiling light:

Design of pink floating lights. The downlight lamps are designed, installed, easily replaced for other common lighting like hanging lights, ray lamp

Mẫu đèn trần downlight màu đỏ, có hiệu quả ánh sáng rất cao, tuổi thọ của đèn rất dài, tiết kiệm chi phí sửa chữa mà vẫn đẹp, bảo trì thiết bị chiếu sáng.

Modern yellow downlight ceiling lamp is beautiful, does not contain infrared, ultraviolet rays affecting health, low heat generation, does not contain mercury and harmful substances ... does not pollute the environment ...

Model of downlight for blue plaster ceiling, saving up to about 80% of energy consumption compared to conventional bulbs, beautiful.

Modern blue downlight, this model is often used to illuminate or decorate the ceiling in households, restaurants, hotels, bars, shops, offices, ...

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Address: 201 Bà Triệu, Hai Bà Trưng District, Hà Nội

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